Got our souvenirs from The Wedding Mansion, a shop located here in Singapore that sells wedding favors and accessories. I found out about this while searching for souvenirs online and was happy to know that there's a local shop that we can visit and see the actual items. We thought that it would be easier for us to decide what to get rather than base our decision on online photos. Generally, the actual items don't give justice to the images posted on the web. When we visited the shop, unfortunately they do not have the sample of the items we saw online but, yet, we still ended up ordering them. We were crossing our fingers while closing the deal. :)
Tandy, the sales person, was very accommodating and he responded promptly to our inquiries and questions. The only "sablay" was, upon knowing that the delivery of our orders was delayed, he didn't call to inform me that our goods already came. When I e-mailed him for a follow-up, he replied that he sent an email last week to inform me that the shipment has already arrived. Apparently, I didn't received any e-mail at all. In response to good service, he should have called confirming the email he sent. Due to this confusion, I'm not sure when our orders exactly came. Now that I have it already, I just can't wait pimping it out! :)
click here if you want to see more of their items. :)
Can you give more details about the local shop? I'd like to visit that shop soon.